Length: 43 pages
Language: English
Format: PDF
Price: 50,000 DZD 15,000 DZD for the first 15 copies sold

Special report | Algeria import controls [disponible uniquement en anglais]

The Special report | Algeria import controls is published periodically to reflect significant updates to Algeria’s import controls. This publication describes recent key changes in import control legislation, analyses their evolution over time and explores their potential impact.

The January 2019 edition is published to coincide with the implementation of Algeria’s Additional Provisional Safeguard Duty (droit additionnel provisoire de sauvegarde or DAPS) and specifically focuses on this issue. This publication aims to describe and analyse the changes instituted by the introduction of the DAPS measures.


  • A comprehensive background of recent import control measures
  • A full list of affected products and applicable DAPS rates
  • Analysis of impacted industries
  • And more…

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